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OARC Stats r dae Mixed Effects Logistic Regression R Data Analysis Examples Examples of Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Description of The Data Analysis Methods You Might Consider Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Multilevel Bootstrapping Predicted Probabilities and Graphing Three Level Mixed Effects Logistic Regression See Also Example 1 A researcher sampled applications to 40 different colleges to studyfactor that predict admittance into college Predictors include student s high school GPA extracurricular activities and SAT scores Some schools are more or less selective so the baselineprobability of admittance into each of the schools is different School level predictors includewhether the school is public or private the current student to teacher ratio and the school s rank Example 2 A large HMO wants to know what patient and physician factors aremost related to whether a patient s lung cancer goes into remission after treatment as part ofa larger study of treatment outcomes and quality of life in patients with lunger cancer Example 3 A television station wants to know how time and advertising campaignsaffect whether people view a television show They sample people from four citiesfor six months Each month they ask whether the people had watched a particularshow or not in the past week After See full list on stats oarc ucla edu In this example we are going to explore Example 2 about lung cancer using a simulateddataset which we have posted online A variety of outcomes were collected onpatients who are nested within doctors who are in turn nested within hospitals There are also a few doctor level variables such as Experiencethat we will use in our example Now we are going to graph our continuous predictor variables Visualizing data can help us understand the distributions catch coding errors e g we know a variable only takes valuesfrom 0 to 7 but we see a 999 in the graph and give us asense of the relationship among our variables For example we might see that two predictors are highly correlated anddecide we only want to include one in the model or we mightnote a curvilinear relation between two variables Datavisualization is a fast intuitive way to check all of this atonce If most your predictors appear independent of eachother that is fine It shapes your expectations of the model For e See full list on stats oarc ucla edu Below is a list of analysis methods you may have considered 1 Mixed effects logistic regression the focus of this page 2 Mixed effects probit regression is very similar to mixedeffects logistic regression but it uses the normal CDF insteadof the logistic CDF Both model binary outcomes and can includefixed and random effects 3 Fixed effects logistic regression is limited in this casebecause it may ignore necessary random effects and or nonindependence in the data 4 Fixed effects probit regression is limited in this case becauseit may ignore necessary random effects and or non independence in the data 5 Logistic regression with clustered standard errors These can adjustfor non independence but does not allow for random effects 6 Probit regression with clustered standard errors These can adjustfor non independence but does not allow for random effects See full list on stats oarc ucla edu Below we use the glmer command to estimate a mixed effectslogistic regression model with Il6 CRP andLengthofStay as patient level continuous predictors CancerStage as a patient level categorical predictor I II III or IV Experience as a doctor level continuous predictor and a random intercept by DID doctor ID Estimating and interpreting generalized linear mixed models GLMMs of which mixed effects logistic regression is one can be quitechallenging If you are just starting we highly recommend reading thispage first Introduction to GLMMs It covers some of the background and theory as well as estimation options inference and pitfalls in more detail The first part tells us the estimates are based on anadaptive Gaussian Hermite approximation of the likelihood In particular we used 10integration points As we use moreintegration points the approximation becomes more accurate converging to the ML estimates however more points are more computationally demanding and can be e See full list on stats oarc ucla edu Inference from GLMMs is complicated Except for cases where there aremany observations at each level particularly the highest assumingthat frac Estimate SE is normally distributed may not be accurate A variety of alternatives have been suggested including Monte Carlo simulation Bayesian estimation and bootstrapping Each of these can be complex toimplement We are going to focus on a small bootstrapping example Bootstrapping is a resampling method It is by no means perfect but it is conceptually straightforward and easy to implement in code One downside is that it is computationally demanding For large datasetsor complex models where each model takes minutes to run estimatingon thousands of bootstrap samples can easily take hours or days In the examplefor this page we use a very small number of samples but in practice youwould use many more Perhaps 1 000 is a reasonable starting point For single level models we can implement a simple random samplewith replacement f See full list on stats oarc ucla edu These results are great to put in the table or in the text of aresearch manuscript however the numbers can be tricky to interpret Visual presentations are helpful to ease interpretation and forposters and presentations As models become more complex there aremany options We will discuss some of them briefly and give an examplehow you could do one In a logistic model the outcome is commonly on one of three scales 1 Log odds also called logits which is the linearized scale 2 Odds ratios exponentiated log odds which are not on a linear scale 3 Probabilities which are also not on a linear scale For tables people often present the odds ratios For visualization the logit or probability scale is most common There are some advantagesand disadvantages to each The logit scale is convenient because it islinearized meaning that a 1 unit increase in a predictor results in acoefficient unit increase in the outcome and this holds regardless of thelevels of the other predictor See full list on stats oarc ucla edu We have looked at a two level logistic model with a randomintercept in depth This is the simplest mixed effects logistic modelpossible Now we are going to briefly look at how you can add a thirdlevel and random slope effects as well as random intercepts Below we estimate a three level logistic model with a randomintercept for doctors and a random intercept for hospitals In this examples doctors are nested within hospitals meaning that each doctor belongs to one and only one hospital The alternative case is sometimes called cross classified meaning that a doctor may belong to multiple hospitals such asif some of the doctor s patients are from hospital A and othersfrom hospital B In glmer you do not need to specifywhether the groups are nested or cross classified Rcan figure it out based on the data We use the same 1 ID general syntax to indicate the intercept 1 varying by some ID For models with more than a singlescalar random effect glmer only supports a singleintegra See full list on stats oarc ucla edu Introduction to GLMMs Regular Logistic Regression in R See full list on stats oarc ucla edu
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